02-09-2020 thru 01-01-2021
The 19th Middle East Organic and Natural Product Expo, Dubai

The 19th Middle East Organic and Natural Product Expo, Dubai

15 December 2020
Hall4 Booth 4E35 at the Dubai Expo and Convention Center, Dubai, UAE.

Dynatabs LLC. will be exhibting at
The 19th Middle East Organic and Natural Product Expo, Dubai
15-17 Dec 2020
Hall4 Booth 4E35 at the Dubai Expo and Convention Center, Dubai, UAE.

You are invited to come and see our products in action and its acceptance in the Middle Eastern market.
Since its founding DYNATABS, LLC. has focused on the creation of proprietary custom formulations of an ever-expanding solution-specific assortment of our award winning, trademarked brands, superior "super impact" convenience-oriented, efficacious, functional aging management product lines.

DYNATABS oral edible dietary supplements strips targeting the wellness industry of the 40% of the population who cannot swallow pills with rapid delivery of nutrition through the right combination of natural potent vitamins and wholesome nutrients.

DYNATABS TV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w8lz8vuvzw83myw/DYNATABS TV dynatabs_video.mp4?dl=0

SERENITY HOME SPA and VANITY Pre-moistened Skincare Repairing Conduction Masks combining natural minerals in a liquid hydrating foundation to regenerate maturing skin meeting consumer demands of decreasing both deep and superficial facial wrinkles and blemished skin; regulate and reduce inflammation of free radicals with antioxidant protection targeting dull and oily or dry skin, reducing pollutants' ability to adhere to the skin, coinciding with breaking down toxins in the skin cells, limiting sebum production, and cleansing the pores resulting in a younger unblemished appearance embracing the care trends facing the market.

Solutions specific products include Aloe Vera for soothing the skin from natural irritation and burns, Marine Collagen, Wrinkle, Acne, Aging, Whitening management inclusive of Breast, Buttocks, Eyes area, Face, Feet, Forehead, Hands, Hips, Knees, Lips, Neck, Nipples, Nose, Shins.


DYNADOO Convenient Nourishing Hair Gel Styling Strips -- for good grooming on the go.
A unique styling pocket pack product for strong hair styling control while adding incredible texture and control.
Ideal for travelers since it is TSA allowed for entry as carry-on aboard airplanes, public government buildings, work, and school, everywhere
Fun party and sports events favor.

DYNADOO TV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/piixoupk58isdev/Dynadoo-Final.avi?dl=0

Share on Email Email us at: sales@dynatabs.com

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